Now I know, that what you're going through It seems a little rough right now And I know the smile on your face mmmhh Has been turned upside down It never feels good when you're going through But you can rest assured, that his word is always true It's not over, until God get through yeah He will see you through
Sooner My God will turn it around Oooh If you with me say Yes Yes [x3]
Our time is not Gods' time He's got it all in control So you'll be fine Don't you ever give up It's going to fill you with love
He'll never leave you Nor foresake you He'll be right there till the end So just keep your eyes on him
My God will Is going to turn it around If you know what I mean say yes Yes [x3] Yes!!
I believe it Anybody receive it I know God will turn it around No matter what you goin' through will say yes yeah yeah !!! He make me eaahh He make me rest on time But look at your neibour and say
I'm gonna say yes made away lookin' on your forse Sooner or later mmmhhh Look at somedody and say Sooner or later He's going to turn it around Comon somebody say yeahh !
Look at somebody and say Neibour I can hear tonight To get God glory Say Yes Say Yes