someone try to figure out how to save they every cents but fuckers can’t say aloud that this shit gonna intence
With corrupted lead’s ahead, who is Are try it to be the best of all We don’t this faggots do this I’ll just let my niggas called
After finding they locations Our gang take road to Rush they’s Den and we will do it What true niggas wonna do
In the middle of crossfire someone hearing broken glass SWAT are shotting from the air I just scream…. [YOUUU SHAAALL NOOT PAAAASS]
// With my niggas I came stronger With my niggas I came mad They are my blood-bros for a longer Trip we can ever made or had With my niggas I came stronger With my niggas I came mad They are my blood-bros for a longer Trip we can ever made or had // x2
Flash grenade came out nowhere Someone take shot in the crotch I’m started think “I’m not belong here” Prepared running through the porch
I squeezed eyes and starting running when I suddenly realized I’m not alone, my boys are moving through all mess we left to die
Second shot, and I past out But that bullet was not for me I get covered by my homie Now blood lost count down to 3
In the vehicle I woke up One of us get past away But we didn’t drop his body For a family remain
With my niggas I came stronger With my niggas I came mad They are my blood-bros for a longer Trip we can ever made or had