prabh kai simaran ridh sidh no nidh | prabh kai simaran giaan dhiaan thath budh | prabh kai simaran jap thap poojaa | prabh kai simaran binasai dhoojaa | prabh kai simaran theerath eisanaanee | prabh kai simaran dharageh maanee | prabh kai simaran hoe s bhalaa | prabh kai simaran sufal falaa | sae simarehi jin aap simaraaeae | naanak thaa kai laago paaeae |3|
In the remembrance of God are wealth, miraculous spiritual powers and the nine treasures. In the remembrance of God are knowledge, meditation and the essence of wisdom. In the remembrance of God are chanting, intense meditation and devotional worship. In the remembrance of God, duality is removed. In the remembrance of God are purifying baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage. In the remembrance of God, one attains honor in the Court of the Lord. In the remembrance of God, one becomes good. In the remembrance of God, one flowers in fruition. They alone remember Him in meditation, whom He inspires to meditate. Nanak grasps the feet of those humble beings. ||3||