Shree Guru charana saroja raja nija manu mukuru sudhari Taking the dust of my Guru's lotus feet to polish the mirror of my heart
Baranaun Raghubara bimala jasu jo daayaku phala chaari I sing the pure fame of the best of Raghus, which bestows the four fruits of life.
Buddhi heena tanu jaanike sumiraun pawana kumaara I don’t know anything, so I remember you, Son of the Wind
Bala budhi vidyaa dehu mohin harahu kalesa bikaara Grant me strength, intelligence and wisdom and remove my impurities and sorrows
1. Jaya Hanumaan gyaana guna saagara, Jaya Kapeesha tihun loka ujaagara Hail Hanuman, ocean of wisdom/ Hail Monkey Lord! You light up the three worlds.
2. Raama doota atulita bala dhaamaa, Anjani putra Pawanasuta naamaa You are Ram's messenger, the abode of matchless power/ Anjani's son, \"Son of the Wind.\"
3. Mahaabeera bikrama bajarangee, Kumati niwaara sumati ke sangee Great hero, you are a mighty thunderbolt/ Remover of evil thoughts and companion of the good.
4. Kanchana barana biraaja subesaa, Kaanana kundala kunchita kesaa Golden hued and splendidly adorned/ with heavy earrings and curly locks
5. Haata bajra aura dwajaa biraajai, Kaandhe moonja janeu saajai In your hands shine mace and a banner/ a sacred thread adorns your shoulder.
6. Shankara suwana Kesaree nandana, Teja prataapa mahaa jaga bandana You are an incarnation of Shiva and Kesari's son/ Your glory is revered throughout the world.
7. Bidyaawaana gunee ati chaatura, Raama kaaja karibe ko aatura You are the wisest of the wise, virtuous and very clever/ ever eager to do Ram's work
8. Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiyaa, Raama Lakhana Seetaa mana basiyaa You delight in hearing of the Lord's deeds/ Ram, Lakshman and Sita dwell in your heart.
9. Sookshma roopa dhari Siyahin dikhaawaa, Bikata roopa dhari Lankaa jaraawaa Assuming a tiny form you appeared to Sita/ in an awesome form you burned Lanka.
10. Bheema roopa dhari asura sanghaare, Raamachandra ke kaaja sanvaare Taking a dreadful form you slaughtered the demons/ completing Lord Ram's work.
11. Laaya sajeevana Lakhana jiyaaye, Shree Raghubeera harashi ura laaye Bringing the magic herb you revived Lakshman/ Shri Ram embraced you with delight.
12. Raghupati keenhee bahuta baraaee, tuma mama priya Bharatahi sama bhaaee The Lord of the Raghus praised you greatly/ \"You are as dear to me as my brother Bharat!\"
13. Sahasa badana tumharo jasa gaawain, asa kahi Shreepati kanta lagaawain Thousands of mouths will sing your fame!”/ So saying Lakshmi's Lord drew you to Himself.
14. Sanakaadika Brahmaadi muneesaa, Naarada Saarada sahita Aheesaa Sanak and the sages, Brahma, and the munis/ Narada, Saraswati and the King of serpents,
15. Yama Kubera digapaala jahaante, kabi kobida kahi sake kahaante Yama, Kubera, the guardians of the four quarters/ poets and scholars-none can express your glory.
16. Tuma upakaara Sugreevahin keenhaa, Raama milaaya raaja pada deenhaa You did great service for Sugriva/ bringing him to Ram, you gave him kingship.
17. Tumharo mantra Bibheeshana maanaa, Lankeshwara bhaye saba jaga jaanaa Vibhishana heeded your counsel/ He became the Lord of Lanka, as the whole world knows.
18. Yuga sahasra yojana para bhaanu, leelyo taahi madhura phala jaanu Though the sun is millions of miles away/ you swallowed it thinking it to be a sweet fruit.
19. Prabhu mudrikaa meli mukha maaheen, jaladhi laanghi gaye acharaja naaheen Holding the Lord's ring in your mouth/ it's no surprise that you leapt over the ocean.
20. Durgama kaaja jagata ke jete, sugama anugraha tumhare tete Every difficult task in this world becomes easy by your grace.