I’ve got a car, I’ve got a job, I’ve got a job to pay for my car. I’ve got a job, I’ve got a car, I’ve got a car to get to my job. I’ve got a car, I’ve got a job, I’ve got a job to pay for my car. I’ve got a job, I’ve got a car, I’ve got a car to get to my job. I want it all, I want it now, I’ll be the shit if I roll around in style. I want it all, I want it now, don’t give a fuck what it’s gonna take to shine, Cause I’m a man, that’s what I need, I don’t care about personality, Cause I’m a man, and I’m refined. Don’t give a fuck what it’s gonna take to shine. Capitol Circle, it keeps goin on, it keeps goin on and on. Capitol circle, Do you know what side of the bed you’re sleeping on? Capitol Circle, it keeps goin on now, it keeps goin on and on. Your capitol circle, Do you know what side of the bed you’re sleeping on? I want it all, I want it now, I’ll be the shit if I roll around in style. I want it all, I want it now, don’t give a fuck what it’s gonna take to shine, Cause I’m a man, that’s what I need, I don’t care about personality, Cause I’m a man, and I’m refined. Don’t give a fuck what it’s gonna take to shine. Capitol Circle, it keeps goin on, it keeps goin on and on. Capitol circle, Do you know what side of the bed you’re sleeping on? Capitol Circle, it keeps goin on now, it keeps goin on and on. Your capitol circle, Do you know what side of the bed you’re sleeping on? And on and on and on. I’ve got a car, I’ve got a job, I’ve got a job to pay for my car. I’ve got a job, I’ve got a car, I’ve got a car to get to my job