I found her sleeping And bound her up with roses Did I know I held her life in my hands Did I know I held her life in my hands
I whispered and she woke I spoke the rosy ribbons Did I know she held my life in her hands
And all round us was Elysion Elysion Elysion
The sea has drowned the city The skies are full of thunder Still I know I held her life in my hands I shivered and she spoke The final words of summer Still I know, she held my life in her hands
And all around us was Elysion Elysion Elysion Elysion Elysion
Elysion Elysion
I need you to hold on, when the sky is falling I need you to hold on, when the sky is falling I need you to hold on, when the sky is falling I need you to hold on, when the sky is falling
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmania.com/rosenband_lyrics_kelley_polar.html All about Kelley Polar: http://www.musictory.com/music/Kelley+Polar