Hey girls, Polina, Marisha and Pax, I just want to say thank you to all of you for recording your msgs just for me… I was very excited in the morning when I logged on and saw three audioclips for me…
Polina, thank you very much, I was surprised to see a special audio for me, it was very sweet and means a lot… thank you again
Marisha… Thank you for your support and your kind words… I was smiling when I was listening to you and finally someone else said сиреневенькая глазковыколупливательница… So, I’m not the only one crazy here :) And BTW, I think it was a great idea to say something in Russian to Pax, because she really needs to listen to natives more… And I hope that you didn’t give her a translation… Because she has a dictionary now and she has to take it and translate that herself… Very useful experience… Do you hear me, Pax? Do it yourself :P And, Marisha, I wish you luck with joining your conversational club, it’s gonna be very useful… We have that club in my city but I don’t feel like being a part of it… I tried when they just started out but they told me that my English wasn’t enough… Very politely they told me to fuck off… I hate those arrogant people…
And Pax… I don’t really know what to say… you made me happy twice… first when you recorded a msg just for me.. or, let’s say, about me… I always wanted one but I never asked as I think that it has to come naturally.. you have to want to do it yourself… And second time when you made me happy was… when you told me those things in Russian… You write them to me but I dreamed to hear them.. So, dreams come true… thank you… I just loved it.. And I want to say something back to you… Пакс, спасибо большое, я была очень рада услышать твои слова, я очень тронута…Я люблю тебя и надеюсь, что это было не в последний раз :) ты лучше всех…. Пчелка :) And now, grab a dictionary and find out what I told you :) In a case if you didn’t understand of course
So, that’s it :) I wish you luck and buy.. пока :)