01. Kevin Drumm - Malaise 09 02. Åke Parmerud - Repulse 03. Áine O'Dwyer - Harold Camping’s Lament 04. Brainticket - Jardins 05. David Toop - For A Language To Come 06. Księżyc - Verlaine I 07. Kevin Drumm - Spraying The Weeds I 08. recorded by John Levy - Invitation To Padma Sambhava 09. recorded by John Levy - Bo Go Gyaling 10. recorded by John Levy - Dung Chen, Gulgyen 11. Kaoru Abe - 1972.1.21 BCL 1 12. Gamelan Pacifica - Trance Gong 13. Oneohtrix Point Never - Midday 14. J.G. Biberkopf - Transfiguration II: Amplification 15. Księżyc - MM 16. Francisco Lopez - La Selva 17. Peter Van Riper - Big Room 18. Popul Vuh - Aguirre 19. Takami - Kurai Mori 20. Aurora Borealis - The Milky Way 21. Philip Glass - Open The Kingdom (Liquid Days II) 22. v1984 - OG Bobby Johnson 23. d’Eon - Forever Beautiful 24. Áine O'Dwyer - The Little Lord of Misrule 25. The Relative Band - Gone With The Wind 26. J.G. Biberkopf - Eruption of the Amorphous 27. Susumu Hirasawa - Chiyoko's Theme 28. Yearning Kru - Sarnath 29. Gamelan Pacifica - Small of My Back 30. Chris Watson - Vera Cruz 31. Alice Coltrane - Transfiguration 32. Doug Hream Blunt - Caribbean Queen 33. Scoop - Drop It 34. Oneothrix Point Never - Ruined Lives 35. Księżyc - Klepana 36. Valerio Tricoli - The Hallowed Receiver