Take it easy, make it right If they're wrong, don't start a fight They say I'm too young And it is sad that I won't talk about butterflies But when I tell'em what's in my heart It is not to make'em cry Hear the notes, as your read the lines See the signs now you read my mind
We don't care about their truth
You need to trust We won't bite the dust All of us, not just for us For anybody that finds himself in all those words Now you read my mind
We don't care about their truth
Don't you let'em see your tears I am here to fly you to a place where you won't have to fear
We don't care about their truth
More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmania.com/their_truth_lyrics_irma.html All about Irma: http://www.musictory.com/music/Irma