Henryk Górecki aka Henryk Mikołaj Górecki / Adrian Leaper, Doreen De Feis (Czernica, Silesia, Poland / Katowice, Silesia, Poland / London, England, UK / New York City, New York, USA) - Symphony No. 3, Op. 36, "Symfonia Piesni Zalosnych" (Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs): II. Lento E Largo - Tranquillissimo [Symphony No. 3 "Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs", 1994, Arte Nova Classics, USA] (Classical, Contemporary) | Текст песни и Перевод на русский
Symphony No. 3, Op. 36, "Symfonia Piesni Zalosnych" (Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs): II. Lento E Largo - Tranquillissimo [Symphony No. 3 "Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs", 1994, Arte Nova Classics, USA] (Classical, Contemporary)
«Симфония скорбных песнопений» — третья симфония польского композитора Хенрика Гурецкого, написанная в конце 1976 года в Катовице для солирующего сопрано и оркестра. Сочинение принесло автору мировую известность.
Симфония порождает мощный образ моления перед лицом общей бесчеловечности и жестокости.
Вторая, представленная, часть, запоминающаяся открывающим её гармоническим мотивом, написана на слова, выцарапанные восемнадцатилетней Хеленой Вандой Блазусяковной на стене гестаповской тюрьмы в Закопане и обращённые к матери и к Деве Марии: «О, мама, не плачь, не надо. Царица Небесная, будь всегда для меня опорой».
The composer recalled, "I have to admit that I have always been irritated by grand words, by calls for revenge. Perhaps in the face of death I would shout out in this way. But the sentence I found is different, almost an apology or explanation for having got herself into such trouble; she is seeking comfort and support in simple, short but meaningful words". He later explained, "In prison, the whole wall was covered with inscriptions screaming out loud: 'I'm innocent', 'Murderers', 'Executioners', 'Free me', 'You have to save me'—it was all so loud, so banal. Adults were writing this, while here it is an eighteen-year-old girl, almost a child. And she is so different. She does not despair, does not cry, does not scream for revenge. She does not think about herself; whether she deserves her fate or not. Instead, she only thinks about her mother: because it is her mother who will experience true despair. This inscription was something extraordinary. And it really fascinated me.
Henryk Gorecki - Symphony No. 3, Op. 36, "Symfonia Piesni Zalosnych" (Symphony Of Sorrowful Songs): II. Lento E Largo - Tranquillisimo [Upshaw, London Sinfonietta, Zinman] (0)