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Aşkım destan olur Arzum ferman olur Nerden baksam Zaman, mekan, yalan, dolan..
Korkarsan karanlıktan ışığın ben olurum Korkarsan yalnızlıktan yoldaşın ben olurum
Английский Wrapped Up in You
Your eyes are a lullaby to put me to sleep at nights Your words are medicine to ease my pains at the sunrise And if your head falls on my shoulder And if your tears cease on my cheek
Then my love will be a legend Then my desire will be an enactment No matter how I look at it Time, place, all a pack of lies
I grieve over your pains I'm wrapped up in you No matter how I look at it Time, place, all a pack of lies
If you're afraid of dark, your light I'll be If you're afraid of loneliness, your friend I'll be
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