On a trail, like tireless ants Following their destined path Fighting for their cold desperate lives Running towards their boring jobs Hoping one day to be free...
Shrouded in an obscure fog No sense, no hope Waiting for the inevitable At the end of the day Batteries recharge Home sweet Home But the endless circle Goes on and on forever
Following a virtual leader They dream of better days Forgetting that upon reaching bliss They become the same blind power
Chorus Welcome to the system Made for survival Not for living Protonic Stream
The humanoid is confused Cynical, hypocritical, scheming Upon this World And the circuit Dies Machines kill like ther's no tomorrow Tomorrow, in fact, won't come very fast...
"You want to live a dream Fall asleep and never wake up"
II - Protonic Matter
We follow Follow the trends Circling the Atom of survival The Core
We're bits of energy The subatomic particles of it all Moved by a thing called Hope, Positivity We're just Machines, Protonic matter (Fighting the magnetism of it all)
We the Protonic stream So many faces and races Wuarks and gluons Living together in peace