All The Men In My Life Keep Getting Killed By Candarian Demons
ANNIE All the men in my life keep getting killed by Candarian Demons
ASH All the men in your life keep getting killed by Candarian Demons.
ANNIE First there was Ed, a really nice guy. Didn’t talk too much but I didn’t mind. I was all set to marry him, but before we could consummate Ed was killed by a Candarian Demon.
ANNIE They say love is cruel and I believe them, my heart’s always broken. ‘Cause the men in my life keep getting killed by Candarian Demons. Why?
JAKE I don’t know.
ASH Annie baby, I know it seems bad now: it always does! But I think you’re exaggerating a touch Sugar Bean. I mean, sure, your father and fiancé were killed by Candarian Demons, but that’s only two men, isn’t it? I mean there’s no way that ALL the men in your life could have been killed by Candarian Demons!
ANNIE Oh, no? It was high school
ASH & JAKE High School
ANNIE Senior prom.
ASH & JAKE Oh yeah!
ANNIE Going with my steady Howie Brown.
ASH & JAKE Howie Brown
ANNIE A perfect night
ASH & JAKE Howie Brown?
ANNIE Like I always dreamed.
ASH & JAKE A little girl’s dream…
ANNIE But when “Stairway to Heaven” began Howe was killed by a Candarian Demon.
ANNIE All my college boyfriends and my one-night stands! My male co-workers and platonic gay friends.
ANNIE Every date I go on ends in demon bloodshed. And now that I’ve met you two guys I know you’ll soon be dead!
ASH & JAKE What the f--?
ANNIE They say love is cruel
ASH & JAKE, Shoop shoo-wa
ANNIE and I believe them
ASH & JAKE Shoop shoo-wa
ANNIE my heart’s always broken. ‘Cause the men in my life—and I mean ALL the men (in my life) EVERY single man!—in my life, keeps getting killed by Candarian Demons!