I will sing to keep my courage up since I must comfort my heart for in my great distress I not to wish to die or go mad when from the savage land I see anybody return, where he has gone who soothes my heart when I hear him mentioned.
God, when they shout \"Overseas!,\" O Lord, help the pilgrim for whose sake I tremble for treacherous are the Saracens.
That is why I grive in my heart, because he is not near at hand; I have placed my hopes in him, and now I get no pleasure or joy from it. Since he is handsome and I am nobly born, Dear Lord, why have you done this? Seeing that we are in love with each other, why do you keep us apart?
God, when they shout \"Overseas!,\" O Lord, help the pilgrim for whose sake I tremble for treacherous are the Saracens.
I shall be waiting in anguish until I see him come back. He has gone off as a pilgrim. In fear and trembling I will wait for him to come back, for in spite of my family I have not intention of marrying any other. He who suggests this is mad.
God, when they shout \"Overseas!,\" O Lord, help the pilgrim for whose sake I tremble for treacherous are the Saracens.
What grieves me is that I did not go with him. He sent me the shirt which he wore for me to hold in my arms. At night, when love of him torments me, I take it to bed and hold it to my naked body, to ease my suffering.
God, when they shout \"Overseas!,\" O Lord, help the pilgrim for whose sake I tremble for treacherous are the Saracens.
This solace at least I have seeing that I have accepted his pledge. When the gentle wind blows which comes from a most fair land, where the man I love so much is no, I turn my face towards it; I cannot resist feeling it beneath my grey mantle.
God, when they shout \"Overseas!,\" O Lord, help the pilgrim for whose sake I tremble for treacherous are the Saracens.