Don’t let the soul idle about she was a singing, It’s cleans and saintlikes voice. And into world’s so many evils and detects, They host you out of square road.
*** Going to the light and lives By this hardest way of white To ocean loves.
*** You stumble, fell and no effect to get up, Over. Devil’s whispering in your ear. Your fight don’t sense to close your eyes and sleep forever, I give you all, about you dream.
*** Going to the light and lives By this hardest way of white To ocean loves.
O, yes, yes………
Come with me….Come with me……Come with me…. I won’t be your never Wall is between me and you in this world.
*** What will be with you out of hope, believe and freedom? It is question: be or not to be. You never fear and never cry, if doom will hardly. You can tell your attractions “NO”.