Charge! From the trenches we strike Charge! From the trenches we strike
Damned to this vile wasteland Earth’s now a killing field Haunting prayers sweep through the ranks As soldiers scream in faceless cries Mortar fire rains by the hour Men slay their own with demonic strength The unholy wrath of Death's Messiah Will leave nothing left in his burning wake
Show no mercy for the weak And break the enemies lines
Strike down the heavens Black valor untamed Crushed under a jackboot as will of Chaos reigns Skies wreathed in fire The Dark Crusade Crushed under a jackboot as will of Chaos reigns
Cry Havoc Cry Havoc, keep the wolves at bay Cry Havoc Cry Havoc, a war against the grain Cry Havoc Cry Havoc, keep the wolves at bay Cry Havoc Cry Havoc, a war against the grain
Orders of eradication Campaign of extermination Those left of us are bleeding out Our battalion numbers are running thin. Shrapnel's kiss marks our final stand Our last baptism is sealed in flames Should this find you "Call to arms!" And prepare for the coming days
Strike down the heavens Black valor untamed Crushed under a jackboot as will of Chaos reigns Skies wreathed in fire The Dark Crusade Crushed under a jackboot as will of Chaos reigns
Fix your bayonets! From the trenches we strike Fix your bayonets! From the trenches we strike Fix your bayonets! From the trenches we strike Now fix your bayonets! From the trenches strike