How many times will I so close, be met with doubt? A bitter man's cold fabric looks familiar to me now. How could I stand to fold and end up in that way, slowly like a freezing drip turned icicle in change?
Lady she found me headed head first into that. She greeted me and just as quickly warned me. Now, I've seen many eyes, so naturally I warned her back and said you can't say what you're saying when you look at me like that.
Meredith what can I say, sometimes these things get away from us but I don't want to change just yet. And lady, yours is your fate, Meredith, do what you have to I won't stand in your way. Just promise you will
take all of the weakness in what we are, push it away till it's too far to ever go back to again. And if there's a way for us to start, if you can be here as you are, I hope that I’m not too far gone.
How many times will I so close be met with doubt, Pushed and pulled as if I were your curtain? Now, I don't mean to whine, but I can't do that to myself. So, if you can't see what you're doing, then I'll leave you sort that out.
Take all of the weakness in what we are, push it away till it's too far to ever go back to again. And if there's a way for us to start, if you can be here as you are, I hope that I’m not too far gone.