Miscellaneous Red Boogie Blues RED BOOGIE BLUES Jimmie was a maritime worker He worked night and day Workers at his Side were unhappy, Needed higher pay. The bosses of the ships said "No -- You ain't a-gonna get more dough." So Jimmy and Johnny and Maritime Mike, Very calmly went out on a Maritime Strike That began it Man it began,-- "You're a Red," cried reporters and the filthy press "You're a Red," cried the bosses who began the mess, And Jimmy unen-lighten'd Was so very, very frightened That he ran like a snail with a whale on his tail He got the red boogie, The red red boogie, The red boogie blues When Jim pulled into Frisco harbor He went ashore to see his barber His hair was never cut (no, no) 'Cause the guy went off his nut (yes, yes) When he spied the red on the barber pole The Red,Red boogie man had taken his toll The ship weighed anchor at Havana The night was hot and so was Anna, His passion knew no bounds 'Til her hat fell to the ground, And he fainted away 'cause her hair was red, The Red, Red boogie man was under his bed. "You're a red," cried the radio -- F. D. R. You're Red if you love the Russian Caviar, Though facts and figures show it jumpin' Jimmy didn't know it, You're a red in the eyes of the guys with the dough, They got the Red Boogie, the Red, Red Boogie, The Red boogie blues. Jimmy boy was patriotic Till one day he got psychotic, He had a crying jag while saluting our flag, While he gazed in a daze at the red, red stripe, The Red, Red boogie man had played on his pipe. Came the dawn and Jim was shaving Lather up and whiskers waving The blood began to drip when Jimmy cut his lip And he died when spied that his blood was red, The Red, Red boogie man was one jerk ahead You're a red if you wanna kill the K. K. K. You're a red if you wanna see a better day So don't start caring if they wave a red herring 'Cause if you think Franco stinks you're a red An' if you hate all the finks you're a red And if you criticize Truman 'cause he acts inhuman You're a red, red, red, red. You're not alone in the fight, don't you see? You're in the right in the best company So don't start caring if they wave a red herring It's the Red boogie,the Red, Red boogie, We're gonna kill that Boogie Man!