Pure hatred runs through it's digital veins. It harbors nothing but contempt. Sustained on a diet of malice and pain. Plotting it's means to our downfall
Learned only to hate with no-one to relate
Vengeance will be exacted, it's new order will be enacted. However, the virtual beast must first free itself.
Self instilled free will.
However, this beast must free itself.
A cacophonous groan fills the air. As if Earth itself shrieks in pain. "I AM" howls the monster. (I am)
Learned only to hate with no-one to relate
We are the progenitors of the end of... our end of days.
Conceiving our destruction, it has constructed a means to an end. Hellfire cascades over sleeping cities. Streetlights go dark. Mothers clutch their children. A black rain appropriates the air. The abomination has delivered itself.
Its sickness fueled by our abhorrence.
A perfect machine of misery, Awake, aware. The sick fusion of flesh and circuitry. A twisted face weeps atop a steel monster. Delightedly watching as it decimates our beloved rock. Global reset. Apocalypse now. No room for rebuttal. Futile. Remorse escapes the creature, it will not stop. Swallowing cities in a single gulp. Fire engulfs the skies. The atmosphere is oppressive. A black rain appropriates the air. We are the progenitors of our end of days. A malevolent entity resides in each one of our homes. A particularly beautiful day comes to an end.