Mac Macdoo Mac Macdoo Mac Macdoo High life in the Highlands Macamacamacamaca Mac MacDoo Macamacamacamaca Mac MacDoo
Mac Macdoo he could show a trick or two Mac Macdoo came up with a special brew Mac Macdoo high life in the highlands Macamacamacamaca Mac MacDoo Macamacamacamaca Mac MacDoo
My great great great grandfather he came from Scotland too He was a true highlander His name was Mac Macdoo He used to save young women and sometimes mothers too He gave the right perscription did things a doctor do!
I guess I’m a freewheeler I do things my own way But I always remember what my father used to say -Now, you’re the great great grandson our clan is here to stay and when we’re having great fun we do it the MacDoo way!
Mac Macdoo He could show a trick or two Mac Macdoo Came up with a special brew Mac Macdoo High life in the Highlands Macamacamacamaca Mac MacDoo Macamacamacamaca Mac MacDoo