I'm standing in astonishment and just staring at the sky Onward to abolishment and the torture on my mind God damn inspiration as you show your face at the strangest of times And never when I search to find Begin again and repeat this to myself With just a little touch of sorrow Because the showers that I take tonight won't forever keep me clean
They won't keep me clean tomorrow We're finding that we wonder to the end with false intent The past is your lesson, the future is your gift You can take this to your heart and you can take this too your grave But I won't crack or break under pressure I won't bend at the knees to be saved Begin again and repeat this to myself With just a little touch of sorrow Because the showers that I take tonight won't forever keep me clean
They won't keep me clean tomorrow Respect for the walking and wounded, don't let it get to you, just turn and face Start your reparations and begin to make amends because it's like you said It's like you said, we're the walking dead