Manipulated, incarcerated, dead minds Addiction to my encryption is feeble to your demise This is desolation This is retribution
I will enslave all I will conquer all The eyes of the ignorant have been blackened Fall to your knees and accept
I am punishment
Thoughts are distinguished Trapped by my hounds of hell
Enslaved at birth in the shadows of this earth Within the city of rot and a world of suffering Alone surrounded by enraged sacred fires This world will crumble
I cast forth this reign of terror To unveil and awake this delusion of your life Vile creatures wrapped around your neck Squeezing your throat and absolving your life till death
Born and raised in a world of manipulation Captured by walls of arrogance
This power overwhelming it harbors them whole Nothing remains, hollow, empty, no soul Tormented by the hour in utter despair Brainwashed, deceived and completely unaware Minds encased and made to believe There’s no turning back Nowhere to run and hide
Feeding monsters Poisonous fiends Hoping to rectify Hoping to bleed