Verse 1: She's my main girl; And for this reason i love this world; Even with his pain and badness; But when she beside me disappears sadness; Slow down, lay down and become crazy; You know, i mean that \"I love you babby\"; You make me so good and with you I can breathe; I know in what you right now need; I'll give you love, we'll make the big love; From bed to sky and above; Since night till the morning. Love; All home in action with scream \"Oh, my God\"; Just don't stop. Did it again; These feelings get into my brain; Splash, flash, crash, mash; Name as you want. But it heart bash.
Verse 2: I so depend on you; I want be only with you; With me you'll never cry; Cause' I never say the lies; I never will betray like other guys; Give me your hand and do step to new life; Ha-ha, come on girl, let's do it together; I'll be for you harder, better, faster, stronger forever; Like in song Daft Punk, you know; I think you know what I want.; Lips, hips, еyes and the third size; You my main girl. And maybe wife; I don't joke. It reality; \"I love\" say it for me, baby; Relax and take it easy; For you I'll be never busy.
Verse 3: This song soon to end; But my hand still holds your hand; And it never to end; As popularity of any brand; Play it anytime and everywhere; Play it there and play it here; Download and get it on mobile; And listen to remember this time; Girls and boys; Girls and girls; Oh shit, boys and boys; All people in the world; Remember that words; Your main feelin should be love ; Pray for your second part; It's all. Well done! Cause..