tell me how u are spending your time ..make me feel better a bit i should know if you r still thinking of me my love
Est-ce que tu penses a moi Tu m`aimes racontes moi (.....tell me you love me )
بسمع عنك اشيا وما بصدق شو لصاير فيك بزعل من حالي وبرضي لحظة ما بقدر جافيك بعرف هاي حالي بتمضا ولازم أنا ابقي حواليك واتحمل كل جنونك بس انت هونها عليي
besma3 3annak ashya wma bsade2 sho sayer feek bez3al men 7ali wberda la7za ma be2dar jafeek ba3ref hai 7aleh btemda o lazim ana eb2a 7walayk o et7amal kel jnonak bas enta hawena 3layee
i heard things about you and cant believe whats going up with u i feel angry from myself and then satisfied ..i cant avoid u a moment i know this is a state and will pass ..and i must stay around you and handle all ur crazyness ..but u just make it easy for me