You come to me with tears in your eyes You come to me all wrong You come to me with more and more lies But all your gettin baby is this song You come to me with tabloids And you come to me with sleaze Ill smack her lipgloss off your face and ill have you on your knees
So stand up mtherfukcer Im gonna hunt you down Stand up motherfucker Im gonna have you somehow Stand up m otherfucker Naw i never ever end Stand up motherfucker Let me take my revenge
You come to me imjectable and Powdered to injest I never was respectable But at least i was well dressed You come to me bloody But somehow unbowed I want total surrender And i want it now
So stand up motherfucker \get your back against the wall Stand up mothercuker Let me enjoy the crawl Stand up mothercfucker Come on take a bow Stand up mptherfucker Baby your all mine now
You come to me looking for alibis and excesses Oh what a bloody war And oh what a mess and Ivenever seen anyone More cynical or resingend Or anyone more degraded Or anyone more blind With your total lac k of discipline Yoru desperate air of need Your in a town without pity But one night you had me
So stand up ,optherfucker I will see you now Stand up motherfcucker Cmon take a bow Stand up mothercfucker get your back againstthe wall Stand up motherfucker Ewatch me take you all
I come to you discreetly I come to you so sweetly Im begging f you baby aw to dissapear completely Your depserate for an eight ball Of power and prestige You remind me of caligula I think id better leave But the angels of my better nature have all deserted me Lying here with a demon who wants total devouring
So stand up motherfucker I will see you now Stan dup motherfucker Im gonnahave you somehow Stand up mpthercfukcer naw i never ever end Stand up mtehrcvucker i will have my revenge
Hey hey Whats that sound Everyon e look Oh ebveryone look Ive tied him down Hey hey Whats that sound
Every move i make And every breathe i take And every sog i write And every single night And all of my disgrace its Written on my face And watch me unwind and Watch me lose my mind And watch me lie lie lie lie yeah
Stand up mthercfuc ker i willsee you now Stand up motherfucker im gonna have you somehow Stand up mptherfucker Gert you r back againstthe wall Stand up mptherfucker Et me enjoy your crawl