[Verse 1] Hey Yo! This one is dedicated to all the little kids out there Whose parents are always riding them Telling them to 'do your homework' Never letting you eat dessert Making you go to bed before you're ready Well listen The next time they are acting bogus I want you to try this out Stand up on your tippy toes Look them dead in the eye And say \"Mom, Dad, you can both...
[Chorus 1] Fuck off, I don't want your life I don't owe you shit And I hate your rules Fuck off, so get out of my room You can suck my dick Motherfucking shit-head bitch You can Fuck oh-oh oh-oh I'm gonna live forever Oh-oh oh-oh I hope you get butt fucked in prison\" [Verse 2] And that's what you should say But what about at school How many kids out there have a teacher That's always riding them? Saying \"don't eat paste, don't talk during nap time\" Well the next time your teacher is being a grumpasaurus Stand tall, look them dead in the eye And say, \"Teacher, could you help me out and just...
[Chorus 2] Fuck off, you can't teach me shit And if I was you, I'd slit my wrist Fuck off, cause I might be young But I'll dig your grave, 'til the job is done You can Fuck oh-oh oh-oh I'm gonna live forever Oh-oh oh-oh I hope you get butt fucked in prison\"
[Bridge] Because we are the kids in the USA We think for ourselves, so get the fuck out our way And all you adults can choke on shit We hope you suffocate on a dog's dick
[Chorus 3] Fuck off, you think I'm a punk Your face looks like an elephant's cunt Fuck off, cause you're not my dad So shut the fuck up and wipe my ass So fuck oh-oh oh-oh I'm gonna live forever Oh-oh oh-oh I hope you get butt fucked in prison