Death.. three.. two.. one… Death.. I.. have.. plan... Death.. will.. be.. on You.. die.. quiet.. tone! Куплет Evil strucks the our world, Money wakes assassin’s soul, I'm your terrible nightmare, Fill your blood a client’s bowl, Death will come as poisoned knife, Or the bullet which you die, Before you can say... Before you can say \"goodbye\"! Punish will be doing I …Say you - bye… I… know, you will die! Припев Children-slaves and prostitution, Heavy drugs and the corruption, Pornography, brutal murders, Violence and blackmail others Your… time… has… gone… Death… came… in… home!
Death.. three.. two.. one… Death.. I.. have.. plan… Death.. will.. be.. on… You.. die.. quiet.. tone! Куплет Hide in a castle or at the bottom, I will find you and in a bottle I will find you – averywhere, You will pay for all – today! Припев Local wars and terrorism, Taking hostage, demand ransom, Anarchy, brutal murders, Violence and blackmail others. Your… time… has… gone… Death… came… in… home!
Breakdown Death, three two one Death, I have plan!