MAGISTRATE: I apologise for my tardiness. I had an urgent matter to attend to - a matter which could ultimately benefit us both.
WRAITH: In that case ... apology accepted. Exceptional as always. I think this is my favourite vintage yet.
MAGISTRATE: I hope you find the food acceptable as well. My new chef is quite accomplished.
WRAITH: I certainly hope so. Your previous chef unfortunately proved to be far more appetising than the meals he prepared.
MAGISTRATE: I must admit, I still find it intriguing to watch you eat actual food.
WRAITH: Our lineage may have diverged, but there are those of us who still retain an appreciation for finer things. And although it may provide a moment's pleasure, it does not sustain me. This arrangement I have made with you and your predecessors has served both of us well. While others of my kind have been forced to sleep between cullings, I have enjoyed a steady stream of humans for my consumption - and the taste of their defiance is sweet. You, in return, have been allowed to live in peace.
MAGISTRATE: We thank you for that.
WRAITH: But, throughout the galaxy, hives continue to wake in far greater numbers than are sustainable, and with a hunger that is most pressing.
MAGISTRATE: I assure you that I have put measures in place to augment the population of the island.
WRAITH: Then why is it there are even fewer inhabits on the island? Others of my kind would have destroyed your entire planet. But I am more civilised than that.
MAGISTRATE: I thank you for your generosity.
WRAITH: Still - there are interests which must be served. There are many Wraith who hunger - and I have promised to provide for them. The decision you are now faced with is: on whom shall we feed?
MAGISTRATE: Your needs shall be met. You have my promise.
WRAITH: Good. I would hate to see anything happen to you. I do so enjoy our dinners together.