Waking in the morning Before the sun rises Lacing up their boots And saying their goodbyes Loading up their trucks With tears in their eyes Working in the blistering sun Cracked hands; throats dry Slavery is not dead It’s busy in the fields Immokalee men and women Letting down their shields They pick until their hands bleed They fall down to their knees Picking for corporations Who won’t pay for what they need Picketing on the corner For what we know is right Greedy corporations Denying their human rights The Immokalee slave ship Runs silent in the night Tired human beings Fighting for their lives
We are the voices of what they try to say Fear of not eating every single day Fear of a beating every single day Who are you to objectify a life this way It is important that we all work together It is important that we nurture, care, and love each other Slavery in masses still exist today Education in masses is the only way Corporations live off the lives of a slave trade
It’s in the fields Where sweat soaks into the Earth It’s in the factories where Blood fills the smoke stacks Where death is born Slavery doesn’t stick to just one type of work It doesn’t pick your gender or the year of your birth Slavery chooses you whether you accept it or you don’t The only way to fight slavery Is for everyone to know
Slavery is not dead It’s working in the fields. credits from Visualize, track released 30 July 2011