1. Synaptic Memories - Green Slimes Attack [META4Q] 2. Dither x Mindustries - The Gods [BBN001] 3. Stormtrooper - Energized [HNRMSCDIGI002] 4. Ophidian - Kraken [ENZYME047] 5. Matt Green - Chest Painz (Shallow Breath mix) [MOUTHLP002A] 6. Tymon - My Domain [ISRDIGI067] 7. Acid Diaper - Toddy (Pony of Diarrhea) [Vegi-L/B002] 8. Cemon Victa x Phobos - Tenebrae [REDSP07] 9. Nutype x Archon - Nail Bomb [ISRDIGI069] 10. Enzyme X - Trammelant [ENZYME050] 11. Tugie - Fear Control [KARNAGEDIGITAL02] 12. Sei2ure - Informer [PRSPCTXTRM012] 13. Deathmachine - Sectioned (Petrochemical rmx) [T3RDM0224] 14. Micromakine - Join Me In My Dreams (Fragz rmx) [UNIONLP002RMX] 15. Splinter Cell - Contagion [KARNAGEDIGITAL03] 16. I:Gor - Game Tight [HERESY007] 17. Khaoz Engine - Hiroshima Style [MCB005] 18. Hellfish - The Beast Incarnate [PRSPCTXTRM014] 19. Akira - Custom Grind [PRSPCTXTRM010] 20. Detest - Rebel Monster [SCUM031] 21. Dataklysm - Stone Kold Killa [MOUTHDATA038] 22. N-Vitral x Igneon System - Jump the Fuck Up [T3RDM0225] 23. J-Roon x Kosmix - Attack 'Em [FWXXDIGI013] 24. Richie Gee x DJ Mutante - Kool DJ (Madhouse Brothers rmx) [FWXXDIGI014] 25. UKTM - Wreck'n'Ruin [MOUTHLP002B] 26. DJ Narotic x Lenny Dee - Ring Around the Pit (Delta 9 rmx) [ISR082] 27. DJ Freak - Scream of Terror [MOUTHDATA041] 28. Loffciamcore - Up to No Good (The Reaper rmx) [MOUTHLP002B] 29. The Destroyer - Dissing Speedcore [SKRD!!!-010] 30. Noisekick - Fucking With the Wrong One [HDFDIGI010] 31. SRB - Suck My Dick [SRB2011] 32. t+pazolite x RoughSketch - See You Never [TCPLUS0014] 33. Round Wave Crusher - mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1 [MSTBL041]