021 - Going Overboard | ESL Podcast Conversation Add: Hey, check out this thing on my arm. I’ve been tanning a lot lately and I just noticed it. Andy: I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Add: I’m going to get it checked out by the dermatologist . I just want to put my mind at ease . Andy: You better not think its skin cancer. It doesn’t look anything like that. Skin cancer is an irregular shape and it grows. Besides, it’s not like you have pale skin , blue eyes, and freckles. Add: Ya but you never know . Andy: I think you are going overboard with this. You’d be better off booking an appointment with a psychiatrist . Add: How would that help? Andy: Because you are a hypochondriac . I’m sure they have medicine for that. Add: Good one . Key vocabulary and phrases that are discussed in the podcast: Check out – It means, “Take a look at”. You can also say, “check this out”. It’s used in casual conversation. You can say, “hey, come check out what’s on TV”. That means come now and look and see what’s on. Usually you say “check out” or “check this out” when the thing is exciting. Dermatologist – Professional word which means “skin doctor”. Irregular shape – Not a normal shape. Some strange shape that is hard to describe. Pale skin – Very light colored skin. Often people with blond hair have pale skin. Ya but you never know – This basically means, “nobody knows for sure” or “you are probably right but you can’t be 100% sure” Going overboard – Making too big of a deal of a small situation. For example, if your friend is 2 minutes late to meet you for coffee, and because of that you decide not to be friends anymore, than you would be going overboard Psychiatrist – A special kind of doctor who treats people who have mental or emotional problems. Hypochondriac – A person who always thinks they are really sick. For example, if someone has a little cough and they think they have a really serious disease, then he is a hypochondriac. This word is actually a serious problem that some people have. We use this word for fun sometimes to joke with people about being too scared about a disease for very little reason. Good one – This is a useful phrase, which can be used to make fun of someone’s joke. If someone makes a joke that isn’t funny, you can say “good one”. We use this sarcastically, meaning we don’t really believe it’s a good joke.