The emptiness I harboured in the questions that I asked was almost palpable, it tasted like the soft skin on your back. And when I said “where did you go?” what I meant was “since you left, I have haven’t had the chance to hate you nearly half as much as I've hated myself”.
We were in love, at least that’s what I came to call it, I was never really quite sure if it was; because in growing up the hardest lesson learned is just because you love someone, it doesn't mean they love you in return.
I always thought you’d fade when I buried you and me, but on our grave a bed of flowers bloomed; and now each day you grow more beautiful as I’m left to decay. I guess it’s true that some things never change.
It’s been quite a long time now but I’m still so weak. I found a bliss in my ignorance until ignorance found hell in me. When I said “where did you go?” what I meant was “Since you left I haven’t had the chance to hate you half as much as I loved you then”.
It’s been a long time now, but I still spend my nights laying away. The kind of tired that sleep wouldn't shake, the kind of empty that fills the entire space in my chest cavity where I tried to keep you safe; but you escaped.
It’s been quite a long time now but I’m still so weak. I found a bliss in my ignorance until ignorance found hell in me. When I said “where did you go?” what I meant was “Since you left I haven’t had the chance to hate you half as much as I loved you then”.