On the rocks and the boulders, will I find you clinging? Holding on for your life. With the lowest profile. Will I see how you struggle in a laboured swim? Not comfortable in your own surroundings.
Under what circumstances are you what you are? What are you under circumstances extraordinary? What will change you? What will you change into?
I’m kicking and collecting, I pick and I arrange, assess, I take into account, experience and fiction Trying to avoid surprise and passing moments.
In the in between spaces, will I find you lurking? Feeding on whatever comes your way. In your hiding places. Will I only see traces, of you burrowing tunnels, in gravel and silt, that collapse behind you?
Under what circumstances are you what you are? What are you under circumstances extraordinary? What will change you? What will you change into?
Kind of slow and in camouflage will I find you creeping? Depending on what you hold onto and to stay unnoticed? Will you dart very agile, and try to escape me?
I’m kicking and collecting, I pick and I arrange, assess, and take into account, experience and fiction Trying to avoid surprise and passing moments.