Propellor Heads - Take California Mekon - What's going on? Dub Pistols - Official Chemical Soul Hooligan - Sweet Pea (Plump DJs remix) Mr Scruff - Sweet Smoke Shapshankly - The List Dopamine and Dr Benwarh - Kiss my Break Rebel Sketchy - The Interview (Drummatic Twins remix) Manuel Neztic - Kickin Down (Rico Tubbs REmix) Splitloop - Hey Baby Helicopter Tune Albino Allstars - Hit Em PFN - Fascination (Stir Fry reheat) Uberzone vs Rennie Pilgrem - Fuego Hybrid - I'm Still Awake (Christian J Remix) Vigi & Zero - STarts with the Funk (remix) BT - Smartbomb (Plump DJs remix) Lee Coombs and DYlan Rhymes - All Right All Night Blim - Crazy Things Taishan - Black Mamba Funk (Move Ya and Steve Lavers remix) Initial Research - The Visitors (UFO) Kosheen - Hide U (Koma and Bones remix)