Heunen, the doom Heunen,厄运之城 Praise misfortune 对灾难颂扬 Dark embraces whom 被黑暗青睐
Lord scoffs at militants 吾主嘲弄好战之师 Flirt with life and death 随意玩弄生与死
Heunen, the doom Heunen,厄运之城 Praise misfortune 对灾难颂扬 Dark embraces whom 被黑暗青睐
Lord scoffs at militants 吾主嘲弄好战之师 Flirt with life and death 随意玩弄生与死
The night, indulged in feasts, the Valkyrie 夜晚,沉湎盛宴,瓦尔基里 The daytime, riot in fights, the Valkyrie 白日,纵情战斗,瓦尔基里
The sorrow is hollow 痛苦即是虚无 The pathos is lethal 悲怆即是命丧 The sorrow is hollow 痛苦即是虚无 The pathos is lethal 悲怆即是命丧 Draw thy swords and cut off their heads 拔出汝之剑,砍下他们的头颅 Rejoice for another chance to thrust 为下一个刺剑的机会而庆祝
Eulogize for power 赞颂力量 Eulogize for the resplendent and magnificent triumph 赞颂这辉煌壮丽的凯旋 Discard thy life, thy love, thy ego, thy pride 丢弃汝之生命,汝之爱,汝之自我,汝之骄傲 All the things thy value, and surrender to them 丢弃所有汝重视之物,并且向胜利投降