Narrator The police found a small package under the front passenger seat after Andy’s car accident. The package contained a white, powdery substance which was sent for chemical analysis. Subsequently, Andy was arrested, released on bail and then found guilty of possessing drugs. He received a fine of £200 and six months’ suspended jail sentence. After the hearing in the magistrates’ court, Peter took Andy for lunch in a quiet restaurant.
Peter Look, son. I want to get to the bottom of it. Andy I’ve already told you everything I know. Peter Well, let’s go through it again... How did the package get into the car? Andy Honestly, I’ve no idea, Dad. I didn’t put it there. Peter The police and the magistrates thought you did. Andy But I didn’t. I never saw it until I was arrested. Don’t you believe me? Peter Yes, I do believe you, Andy. I know you wouldn’t lie to me. So we must discover the truth. Andy I don’t remember a thing before I was puled out of the car. Peter You must remember something. Where did you go that evening? Andy My mind’s a complete blank. The only thing... Peter Go on. What is it? Andy It’ll sound silly. Peter Never mind. Tell me. Andy It’s like a bad dream. A nightmare. I can see a woman’s face... Peter What does she look like? Can you describe her? Andy Short, dark hair, a rather big mouth...and tinted glasses. Peter Is she tall, small, fat, thin, pretty, ugly? What’s she like? Andy I can only see her face. Rather attractive, I’d say. Peter OK. Then where was she? Andy I’ve no idea. At least, I’m not sure... Peter Yes, yes, go on. Andy I have a feeling we were on a boat. But it’s all very hazy. Waitress One onion soup... Peter For me, please. Waitress ... and one minestrone. Andy Thank you. Peter Do me a favour, Andy. When we get home, write down everything you can think of about that evening. Dreams and all... Andy OK, Dad... And thanks. I really am telling the truth.
Narrator What do you think? Is Andy telling the truth? Peter certainly believes him, doesn’t he?