Hoh tengerees zayasan Hodoo arald mendelsen Hoh Mongoloo negtgie Hovchin delhiid duurisgaad Erelheg mongol Chinges Ezen bogd Chingesee Gal mesnii dundaas Gan bold shig hattai Gazar delhii deeree Garid shuvuu shig huchtei Deed tengerees zayasan Delhiin hagasiig daguulsan Sur huchee negtgie Suld hiimorio badraasan Erelheg mongol Chinges Ezen bogd Chingesee
Translation (English)
Blessed from the eternal sky, born to the steppe With a name that echoes throughout the world, uniting the great blue-skied Mongols The courageous Mongol Chinggis The holy lord Chinggis
Mind strong as steel, even in the burning wounds from swords On earth, as powerful as planetary birds The courageous Mongol Chinggis The holy lord Chinggis
Blessed from the sky above, claimed half of the world Embedded his spirit, in the majestic mighty world. The courageous Mongol Chinggis The holy lord Chinggis The courageous Mongol Chinggis The holy lord Chinggis