I dare all the age groups, from 7(yrs old) to 90... If they don't lose their minds after seeing you, then I would cut off my own right hand. there is nothing normal about you, dang, at least that's what logic tells me. Like a Russian bullet, if not kill, you can paralyze.
come here, come here, come here print a kiss on my lips come, come, come listen to my heart beat
if people were to put/select and place all the beauties of the world... ...on one hand (of a scale) and you on the other hand... (with even) every single thing in china* you would still outweigh the other hand.
You are the bright moon itself this is a fact/truth, it isn't gibberish/ BS My heart stopped beating (for you) oh how beautiful you are, how amazingly beautiful.
come here, come here, come here print a kiss on my lips come, come, come listen to my heart beat (this is in the song and not on the left either) - for the sake of God, come, live with me for the rest
арабские мелодии в минорной тональности Anas Kareem - El Tal2a El Rousiye (2014) (0)
Anas Kareem - El Tal2a El Rousiye ❤ (0)
Веселая и танцевальная. Тоже арабская Anas Kareem - El Tal2a El Rousiye (2014) (0)
Anas Kareem арм танец вау - El Tal2a El Rousiye (2014) (0)
Anas Kareem - Al Tala'a Al Rousiye (0)
2013 Anas Kareem - El Tal2a El Rousiye ... كلمات : فادي مرجان - ألحان : راشد الشيخ وحسان عيسى توزيع : أنس كريم - ميكس وماسترينغ : مؤيد الأطرش ادارة اعمال واشراف فني : أشرف الريس ...
Anas Kareem - Talqa Al Russiya New song for anas kareem. ... Hussein El Deek - Gheirik Ma Bekhtar / غيرك مابختار- حسين الديك ...
Anas Kareem - El Tal2a El Rousiye / الطلقة ... Anas Kareem - El Tal2a El Rousiye / الطلقة الروسية - أنس كريم .... Beautiful Anas Kareem and beautiful ...
el tl2a el rosia Anas Kareem- El Tal2a El Rousiye - Duration: 4:20. by Mohamad Kamal 54,209 views ...