Red:Why the hell did you re roll now Red:I all ready made you a druid in the first part of the video
Desicion: Not too close disk, you'll open the door! Abondonation: I know but I can't see damn it
Red: Idiots... Demineon: They'll det caught
Nyhm: We shouldn't be doing this... Decision: Shut Up nyhm Abandonation: Stop Pusing GiGi: wtf? Nyhm: Oops Gigi: WTF!!!!! Decision: Crap censored Nyhm: This was not my idea! Abandonation: I'm out aright Nyhm: My Heartstone is on cooldown you gotta help me Decision: You're on your own bro Gigi: Frosbite Frostbite: RAWR Nyhm: Good kitty Demineon: told you Red: Gawd