Shiny lip gloss, photo shoot Dress me up then peak-a-boo! I don't think so Pin me up and make pretend Twist and bend then turn the lens Come on, let's go
We'll Photoshop with every stroke China dots and dirty jokes are so what we got
A shameless mannequin Pink petals hide us in the snapshot, snapshot
Close enough to taste Roam your eyes around my waist, who knows what you'll find? And we promise not to peak at the secrets in our mind
The camera never lies Gives the world its eyes One little snap wearing a smile One little snap, soon be on trial Yes it's a wrap, grab it online We'll keep it tasteful No more fake once you undress I guess you'll make more showing less 128 pounds in the flesh Glamor, for we scream glamor
Who's in the sun, making us bold? Don't ever stop, you feel the hope Goes in the light Just me and you Don't let the shadow hide the view
The camera never lies Gives the world its eyes One little snap wearing a smile One little snap, soon be on trial Yes it's a wrap, grab it online We'll keep it tasteful No more fake once you undress I guess you'll make more showing less 128 pounds in the flesh Glamor, for we scream glamor