Welcome to our new show Great Inventions! Here is our first inventor! And what an interesting machine you have! I have never seen anything like this before. Can you tell me what it does? Of course. It is an aerial camera. It takes photographs from the air. For example, if you want to take a picture of your house from above, you can use this machine. How interesting. But how does it work? Well, it is very simple. It is like a catapult, which you use to throw stones and other things. You use the catapult to throw the little camera into the air. The camera goes quite high, and then when it starts to descend, it takes several photos while it is in the air. Then it returns to the ground. It won’t break, because the camera inside is protected by a soft material on the outside. That’s very clever indeed. What items do you need for the construction of this machine? Well, the machine consists of a catapult, which is slightly better then an ordinary child’s catapult, a small camera and a very wide lens. Interesting. And what does it need to do the job? Not much. Just some camera film, which you can buy at any shop. After it has taken the photos, you can take out the film, and take it to a shop to get your photos developed. Hopefully, you will then see a nice picture of your house from the air. Can anything go wrong with the operation of the machine? Yes, sometimes you might be unlucky, and you will find the camera took a photo of something else. I am still working on the invention. It is not perfect. I have to find a way to ensure that it always takes a photo of the right building. Sometimes it takes photos of something else entirely. And how long did it take you to make the machine? It took me about three months to build it. But I was thinking about it for much longer - probably six months, at least. As you can see, it is not very complicated. What made you think of this? I was flying home one day from abroad. As the plane flew over the city, I thought how interesting it would be to see my home city from the air. And I started to think about how interesting it would be to see my house from the air. What materials did you need to make it? Not much at all. I used an old camera and then I bought the other materials, such as the catapult and a cushion, which protects the camera. It’s a very interesting machine. I am very impressed. Did it cost you much to make it? No, not very much at all. The materials were very cheap. Well, it’s very good. I would like to offer you my congratulations. Thank you!