Clear, Dasoku, Valshe - IMITATION BLACK
Vocaloid (Kamui Gakupo, Kagamine Len, Kaito) - Imitation Black (fandub by Dasoku, Valshe, and Clear)
Valshe, Dasoku, Clear - Immitation Black [Gakupo, Kaito, Len]
Vocaloid (fandub by Dasoku, Valshe, and Clear) - Imitation Black
[Vocaloid: Kamui Gakupo, Kagamine Len, Shion Kaito)] - [Imitation Black (fandub by Dasoku, Valshe and Clear)]
Vocaloid (Кайто и Рин) - Imitation Black (fandub by Dasoku, Valshe, and Clear)
10 Vocaloid (Kamui Gakupo, Kagamine Len, Kaito) - Imitation Black (fandub by Dasoku, Valshe, and Clear)
Vocaloid (Kamui Gakupo, Kagamine Rin , Kaito) - Imitation Black (fandub by Dasoku, Valshe, and Clear) - Imitation Black (Rus)
Vocaloid (Kamui Gakupo, Kagamine Len, Kaito) - Imitation Black (fandub by Dasoku, Valshe, and Clear) - Imitation Black (Rus)