Uriah Heep 1982 - Abominog(1997 Remasted)
Uriah Heep 1982 Abominog - 12 Son Of A Bitch
Uriah Heep 1982 - Abominog (2005-Expanded Deluxe Edition)
Uriah Heep - 03.On The Rebound(1982-Abominog)
Uriah Heep - 10.Think It Over(vocals Peter Goalby)(1982-Abominog,1997 Remasted)
Uriah Heep 1982 - 07.Prisoner+10.Think It Over( Abominog)
Uriah Heep - Hot Night in a Cold Town (1982)
Uriah Heep - 19.Tin Soldier(single b-side 1982)(Rarities From The Bronze Age)