Green Carnation - The Burden is mine... Alone
Green Carnation - Writings On The Wall
Green Carnation - The Boy In The Attic
Green Carnation - The Quiet Offspring
The For Carnation - Emp. Man's Blues
Rocco Granata & The Carnations - Marina (Remix '89)
Green Carnation - Alone (based on the poem by Edgar Allan Poe)
Green Carnation - The Everlasting Moment
Green Carnation - The Burden Is Mine...Alone
Pixie Carnation - When Did The Lights Go Out
The Tear Garden - Love Notes & Carnations
The Tear Garden - Love Notes & Carnations
Liam & Noel Gallagher (Oasis), Paul Weller - Carnation (the Jam cover)
Liam Gallagher & Steve Cradock - Carnation (The Jam cover)
Oasis & Paul Weller - Carnation (The Jam Cover)
The Carnations - Long Tall Girl
(Disco remixed) Rocco Granata & The Carnations - Marina (Remix '89)
Green Carnation - Journey to the End of the Night (Part I)
Green Carnation - [2006 - The Acoustic Verses ] - Alone (based on the poem by Edgar Allan Poe)
Green Carnation - Between the Gentle Small and the Standing Tall
Green Carnation - In the Realm of the Midnight Sun
Oasis & Paul Weller (The Jam cover) - Carnation
Green Carnation - [TQO #5] The Everlasting Moment
Green Carnation - [TQO #1] The Quiet Offspring
The For Carnation - Moonbeams (2000)
Oasis & Paul Weller - Carnation (The Jam cover)
Liam & Noel Gallagher (Oasis), Paul Weller - Carnation (the Jam cover)
Oasis - Carnation (The Jam's cover)
Liam & Noel Gallagher & Paul Weller - Carnation (The Jam cover)
Paul Weller & Oasis - Carnation (The Jam cover)