Running Wild (Germany) - Pirate Song
Running Wild (Rolf Kasparek) Germany - Riding the Storm
Running Wild - Unation - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - Pirate Song - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - Crossfire - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - The Brotherhood - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - Soulstrippers - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - Welcome To Hell - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - Sailing Fire - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany
Running Wild - Me & The Boys - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany
Running Wild - Black Shadow - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany
Running Wild - I am Who I am - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany
Running Wild - Dr. Horror - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - The Ghost - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany
Running Wild - Powerride - The Brotherhood (2002) Heavy metal,power rock/Germany - bonus
Running Wild - Riding On The Tide - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany
Running Wild - Locomotive - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany
Running Wild - Shadowmaker - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany
Running Wild - Dracula - Shadowmaker (2012) Heavy Metal/Power/Germany