JESC 2014 | Bulgaria - Krisia, Hasan and Ibrahim - Planet of the Children
(2) JESC 2014 | Bulgaria - Krisia, Hasan and Ibragim - Planet of the Children
JESC 2014 Bulgaria - Krisia, Hasan & Ibrahim - Planet of the Children (Karaoke)
(2) JESC 2014 | Bulgaria - Krisia, Hasan and Ibrahim - Planet of the Children
JESC 2014 | Bulgaria - Krisia, Hasan and Ibrahim - Planet of the Children (Umar Newman)
Krisia, Hasan and Ibrahim - Planet of the Children (JESC 2014 | Bulgaria)
JESC 2014 - Bulgaria - Крисия Тодорова, Хасан и Ибрагим Игнатовы - "Planet of the Children"