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Cover the scientist / Тексты песен

Найдено 207 текстов

Avril Lavigne - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist (Piano cover)

Ragsy - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

We Are Scientists - Be My Baby (The Ronettes cover)

Avril Lavigne - The Scientist (Cover Coldplay)

coldplay - the scientist (acoustic cover)

Holly Henry - The Scientist (Acoustic Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist - (SeVen Guitar Cover)

Григорий Лепс (Cover Coldplay - The Scientist) - Разные люди

Tyler Ward, Kina Grannis, Lindsey Stirling (Acoustic Cover) - 'The Scientist'

Johnette Napolitano and Danny Lohner - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

allred - the scientist (coldplay cover)

Willie Nelson - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Niksoter - The Scientist (Piano Cover)

Miley Cyrus - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Willie Nelson - The Scientist (OST "Judge" Coldplay cover)

Coldplay Acoustic Cover (Jorge and Alexa Narvaez) - The Scientist

Coldplay cover ( OST бумажные города ) - The Scientist

Aimee Mann - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Intuition - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

All Angels - The Scientist (cover Coldplay)

Coldplay - The Scientist+Back for Good (Take That cover) live piano version

Tyler Ward, Lindsey Stirling & Kina Grannis - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Ксения Жук - The Scientist (cover Coldplay)

Mark Crisman & Alex Evans - The Scientist Cover

Josie Charlwood - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Emily Hearn - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

alex evans - the scientist (cover on goldplay)

Hannah Trigwell feat. Boyce Avenue - The Scientist (Coldplay acoustic cover)

Flashdevil - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Willie Nelson - The Scientist (Coldplay cover) (ost Судья 2014)

Игорь Рейкьявик - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Tyler Ward - The Scientist (acoustic cover)

Avril Lavigne - The Scientist (cover)

Tyler Ward ft. Lindsey Stirling - The Scientist (Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist (cover by Julia Westlin)

Daniela Andrade - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)


The Young Royals - The Scientist (cover live)

The Make Believe - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Reuben Halsey (Coldplay cover) - The Scientist (Piano)

Coldplay (Jonas Frisk Acoustic Cover) - The Scientist

avril lavigne (coldplay acoustic cover) - the scientist

Coldplay (cover by Julia Westlin) - The Scientist

T.Ward, K.Grannis, L.Stirling (Acoustic Cover) - The Scientist

Johnette Napolitano And Danny Lohner (Coldplay Cover) - The Scientist

Holly Henry - The Scientist (The Voice Performance, Coldplay cover)

Holly Henry - The Scientist (cover) (The Voice Highlight)

Kris Allen & Allison Iraheta - The Scientist [cover Coldplay]

GC - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Аврил Лавина - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Marius Nedelcu - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Erik Nait - the scientist cover

Andrew Landon - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Avril Lavigne - The Scientist (Cover Of Coldplay)

Vintage Cafe - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist (Johnette Napolitano And Danny Lohner cover)

Austin Criswell - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Григорий Лепс - Разные Люди (Coldplay "The Scientist" Cover)

Даша Алексеева - The Scientist (cover coldplay)

Jessica Allossery - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Johnette Napolitano & Danny Lohner - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)(OST Wicker Park)

Роман Ольховка - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist(cover)

Nick Procy - The scientist (Coldplay cover)

MS&DK - The scientist (Coldplay cover)

Крайний - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Johnette Napolitano & Danny Lohner - The Scientist (Cover, Originally by Coldplay) (Wicker Park OST)

== - the scientist (coldplay cover) укулеле, ладоши, вокал

Alex Evans - The scientist cover ..*

Kima.D. - The Scientist (cover)

Stephen Salewon and Dustin Prinz - The Scientist (Cover)

Noah Guthrie - Paradise & The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Conor Mc Ginty - The Scientist (Cover)

Одержимость-Johnette Napolitano And Danny - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Choi Siwon - The Scientist (cover Coldplay)

discordance - The Scientist (Coldplay acoustic cover)

George A - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Jake Edwards - Shake The Scientist (Florence/Coldplay Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist (Willie Nelson cover)

ZooYotZ - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Johnette Napolitano & Danny Lohner - The Scientist (Cover, Originally by Coldplay) (Wicker Park OST)

Matt Corby - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

HX - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Tyler Ward, Lindsey Stirling & Kina Grannis - The Scientist (OST Judge Coldplay Cover)

Vox Angeli - The scientist (Coldplay cover)

fairplay - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

J.Napolitano And D.Lohner - The Scientist (cover Coldplay)

Сoldplay - The Scientist (cover)

Johnette Napolitano and Danny Lohner 444 - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Гриша Лепс - Разные Люди( Cover,Coldplay-The Scientist)

Tyler Ward, Kina Grannis - The Scientist (& Lindsey Stirling) (coldplay cover)

Romance On A Rocketship - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Luciana Zogbi - The Scientist - Coldplay Cover by Luciana Zogbi

Tyler Ward and Kina Grannis feat. Lindsey Stirling - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

João Cahi - The Scientist (Cover)

Róisín - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Тамерлан Садвакасов - the scientist (coldplay cover) укулеле, ладоши, вокал

Coldplay - The Scientist (Harmonica cover)

Volumes Skies - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Willie Nelson - The Scientist (cover)

Johnette Napolitano And Danny Lohner - The Scientist (Coldplаy cover)

J.K. - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist (Cover by Holly Henry)

Мера Мира - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Kris Allen & Allison Iraheta - The Scientist (cover Coldplay)

Johnette Napolitano And Danny - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Mark&Alex - The Scientist Cover

Ксения Жук - The Scientist (cover by X.u)

Noah - Paradise / Yellow / The Scientist Medley (Coldplay Cover)

Boyce Avenue ft. Hannah Trigwell - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Hannah Trigwell ft. Boyce Avenue - The Scientist (Coldplay acoustic cover)

Avril Lavigne - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover) [on.]

Е.Туманов - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Holly Henry - The Scientist (Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist (cover by Avril Lavigne)

Андрей А. - The scientist (Coldplay cover)

- - the scientist (acoustic cover)

Tory - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

jorge & alexa narvaez - the scientist (coldplay acoustic cover).

Holly Henry - Coldplay - The Scientist (Acoustic Cover)

Ragsy - The Scientist (Cover)

Alena Solomatina - The Scientist (cover)

Coldplay - The Scientists (Willie Nelson cover)

Tyler Ward ft. Lindsey Stirling & Kina Grannis - The scientist [Coldplay cover]

Luciana Zogbi - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Рукосуев Иван - Coldplay - the scientist (cover)

holly henry - the scientist (coldplay acoustic cover)

Алекс эванс - the scientist cover

Avril Lavigne - The Scientist (coldplay acoustic cover)

Tyler Ward, Lindsey Stirling & Kina Grannis - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Coldplay - The Scientist ( Cover by NickGrey + lyrics )

Григорий Лепс - Разные Люди(cover Coldplay - The Scientist)

Coldplay - The Scientist (cover by hollymaezers)

Tyler Ward, Lindsey Stirling & Kina Grannis - The Scientist (Coldplay Acoustic Cover)

Augustus Autumn - The Scientist (Piano Cover)

Алекс эванс[=FaNя=] - the scientist cover

Dilettante - The Scientist (Cover на Coldplay)

Chase Eagleson - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Alexis Carlier - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

★Аvril lavigne - the scientist (coldplay cover)

Boyce Avenue - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Boyce Avenue ft Fifth Harmony - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Tyler Ward, Kina Grannis, Lindsey Stirling - The Scientist (Acoustic Cover)

Неизвестен - GABRIELLA - Coldplay - The Scientist (Cover) - YouTube

Boyce Avenue - The Scientist (acoustic cover)

MAVIA ft. Jakub Ondra - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover)

Avril Lavigne - The Scientist (Coldplay Cover) "Cover version INSPIRATION" http://vk.com/public37796344

Неизвестен - The Scientist - Coldplay (Boyce Avenue feat. Hannah Trigwell acoustic cover) on iTunes & Spotify

Tyler Ward, Kina Grannis, Lindsey Stirling (Acoustic Cover Coldplay) - The Scientist

C. Monteith, D. Criss, N. Rivera, C. Colfer, H. Morris, M. Morrison, J. Mays, L. Michele (cover Coldplay *2002*) - The Scientist (from "Glee", 4x04)

Григорий Лепс (Cover Coldplay - The Scientist)707 - Разные люди

Cory Monteith, Darren Criss, Naya Rivera, Chris Colfer, Heather Morris, Matthew Morrisson, Jayma Mays & Lea Michelle (Glee Cast) - The Scientist (Coldplay cover)

Григорий Лепс (Cold Play – The Scientist Cover) - Ангелы (Музыка: Cold Play, слова: Константин Арсенев)